My primary focus is our Environment, particularly our water quality. As Chair of the Bourne Wastewater Advisory Committee, I know too well, how we must address nitrogen and other pollutants in the waters that make Cape Cod so special.
I will not just support but advocate for the blue economy and the green economy.
As a Realtor, I see firsthand how the housing crisis affects us all. We must attack this crisis together in creative ways so teachers, police and fire, service industry and medical technicians can live here and continue to make the Cape a vibrant and effective community.
Another primary concern is the design and construction of the new Cape Cod Canal Bridges. We must have a seat at the table and a strong voice to ensure that we have the least amount of interference in our daily lives and access roads that work well for all. While Bourne is most impacted, Falmouth and Mashpee will also feel the effects of potential major traffic headaches.
I will work tirelessly for our seniors; they deserve to retire here in paradise.
I believe in banning assault weapons, and opposing the machine gun range at Joint Base Cape Cod (which sits on our sole source aquifer).
Every woman should have power over her own body.
As Chair of the Bourne Public Library Board of Trustees, I will fight to get libraries more funding and more appreciation for the gems they continue to be in our communities.
I am a proud lifelong Democrat, a Supervoter and a multiple successful campaign manager. I am very proud to say I initiated and co-managed the campaign for the first indigenous woman to become select person in Bourne.
I am a Bulldog… put me to work for you!